Technology as it is today is really working wonders for the nursing industry and it can only get better for the future. Imagine at the touch of buttons you can see a patients history, compare a diagnosis, choose whats the best healthcare plan and proceed to save a life, - all at your fingertips. IT saves you valuable time, time that could be invested in applying a life saving technique that minimizes damages and gives the patient a greater chance of survival
Benefits of Information Technology
With technology always evolving something new is always happening ,there is always an improvement or an adjustment to an existing order. For me what I will really like to see improved is the efficiency and accountability when it comes to patient healthcare. For far to long a lot have been shoved under the rug and no one can account for it. Information technology is here for everyone but because of educational barrier dividers between the new age and the older heads patients tend to suffer. A proposal for making it mandatory for everyone to be computer literate and knowledgeable of Nursing Informatics can help bridge that gap.Nurses who are close to retirement most often say that they are on their way out and to leave that for the younger folks.
When it comes to accountability for services that went wrong it's like 'a ghost town' no one to take the blame, but who was looking after the patient, certainly not the patient himself? Because of the finances involved and long drawn process most of these allegations are left unheard of or unresolved and patients are left to sort things out or seek alternative treatment. If one is made to be held accountable then I believe efficiency will fall into place.
Challenges will always remain as to the availability of goods and services, the cost and time frame of life saving interventions, With persons having to go abroad for minor treatment, couldn't the cost of service and accommodation be reduced by having the service available here with trained staff ? Even things like sending samples for testing and the lengthy time frame it takes can also be reduced by having the trained personnel to operate within our shores.
How can I contribute
My contribution to helping nursing get on to the correct path is for me to get on board after my graduation and be the best I can be by keeping myself knowledgeable of all new development within the nursing profession and encouraging my colleagues to get on board for the greater improvement and benefit of all.
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